2022 NPC Worldwide Regional Certificates Requirements
(2022 NPC 全球區域證書要求)
Effective January 1, 2022, Regional Certificates are valid ONLY within the same calendar year.
(自 2022 年 1 月 1 日起,區域證書僅在同一日曆年內有效。)
Any athlete who resides in a country with a Regional Certificate requirement must compete in a Regional contest in his or her country and must obtain a Regional Certificate before competing in a Pro Qualifier contest anywhere in the world. This Regional Certificate is valid only until December 31, 2022. In 2023 and each year thereafter, this athlete must again compete in a Regional contest in his or her country to meet the yearly Regional Certificate requirement.
(居住在具有地區證書要求的國家/地區的任何運動員都必須在其國家/地區參加地區比賽,並且必須在參加世界任何地方的職業資格賽之前獲得地區證書。此區域證書僅在 2022 年 12 月 31 日之前有效。在 2023 年及之後的每一年,該運動員必須再次參加其所在國家/地區的區域比賽,以滿足年度區域證書要求。)
If an athlete resides in a country with a Regional Certificate requirement but there are no Regional contests in that country until later in the year, the athlete may compete in a Pro Qualifier contest anywhere in the world provided the Pro Qualifier contest is held before the first Regional contest in his or her country. When this Regional contest is held, the athlete may not compete in any other Pro Qualifier contest without first obtaining a Regional Certificate from his or her country.
Countries with a Regional Certificate requirement:
Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Denmark, Ecuador, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, India, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Paraguay, Portugal, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Taiwan, United Kingdom, Uruguay
ex:2022/09/04的NPC地區賽,完賽後就會取得NPC Worldwide Regional Certification,有了這個證明就可以參加PRO Qualifier職業卡資格賽,但只能參加2022年的職業卡資格賽事,若是要參加2023年的職業卡資格賽,就需參與2023年的地區賽。
3.參加地區賽後就會獲得認證,即可參加任何地區的「職業卡資格賽PRO Qualifier」(頒發職業卡),在職業資格賽中拿到職業卡的選手,就是IFBB PRO職業選手,就可以參加「職業大賽」,所以職業大賽就是有拿卡的人才能參加。